About WIA

WIA (Women In Art) is a NGO (non-governmental organization) whose mission is to promote and support the work of women artists in Belgium and around the world.
Women In Art wishes to promote the values and cultural diversity of women artists to the general public but also to artistic and cultural institutions. WIA wishes to offer events that are accessible to the greatest number of people, both in terms of pricing policy and accessibility to cultural events. In addition, WIA wishes to open the debate on the place and role of women artists of yesterday and today, whether on their contributions to the History of Art or to contemporary art.

The initiative goes beyond the production of a major event, the Biennale of Women In Art, but also through series of smaller events all year long (exhibitions, panels, networking, etc.), because Women In Art also wants to be a creator and bearer of sustainable solutions for the promotion of women artists through the creation of communities of professionals in the artistic, cultural and educational sectors.

About our website
The Biennale of Women In Art website has been conceived as a living online gallery. Each page of our website is a virtual gallery displaying artworks from women artists.

Artwork credits: Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum